
My Services

My New Virtual Studio

I'm launching my new virtual studio next year on BoonTV and offering $1 videos and recipes to help kick things off.

Use my link below to check on any updates when we launch.


I look forward to seeing you soon!

One-on-One Personalized Plans

Using our DRC Method, you are well on your way to: 

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Fitness & Nutrition


LET’S SAY NO to weird boxed, packaged foods that is highly processed and expensive, no to memberships that will be a constant in your life no to expensive supplements that alter your bodily reaction. YES to getting our hands dirty and making a difference using everyday ingredients and enjoying the process while shedding pounds!
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Tips For Nutritious Meal Planning

These tips and tricks include food substitutions, cooking advice, portion challenge solutions, snack ideas, and meal prepping alternatives and additives which include, vegetarian options, support a vegan lifestyle, or accommodate clients that eat a range of foods including animal products.
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